
Showing posts from May, 2020


DARKEST DAWN A story by Oche Jeremiah EPISODE 6 After our warfare prayers that morning, we made breakfast together and then after eating, I started feeling sleepy. I had to go inside the room to sleep since there was nothing else to do. As my head touched my pillow, I just zoomed off into the land of sleep like I had carried a tanker load of cement on my head. I soon slept off and again I had a dream. The dream was something else. I saw myself in the dream this time. I was dressed in rags all parched here and there and very dirty. I looked around and everywhere was dark, misty and scary. There was smoke coming out from the darkness. I was confused and lost. What I'm I doing here??? Why I'm I dressed like this?? Suddenly I saw a man in white coming from the other side of the crossroad I was. His white was glistering and shining and brightening the place as he advanced towards me. I was just wondering what was happening. The man on white was c...


DARKEST DAWN A story by Oche Jeremiah EPISODE 5 ******* I couldn’t bear it again. I had to call home. At least if the world has rejected me, there is an adage that you will always find refuge in the family. I had to call home. I called my mum and told her I was coming home. After all, there is no place like home. That’s what we’ve been thought. My mother is a strong Christian who just gave her life to Christ some two years back. Before this time, Mama can insult ehn. Sometimes I wonder where she got her vocabulary and concordance of insults from. She can start from morning and rant all through till night and still will not be tired. That was the case of my mum then before she met Jesus Christ. Till today, my community are still of the opinion that my mother insulted my dad to death. There is no evidence though. It’s just a speculation held among villagers due to the character and behaviour of my mum. When she's quarrelling, you dare not interfere oooo. Othe...


DARKEST DAWN A story written by Oche Jeremiah. EPISODE 4 ******* I was to resume duty the following day which was a Thursday. You can’t imagine my happiness and delightedness. I was the happiest. It was as if I just got married or won a jack pot. I had to dress in the best way possible because I know from experience that first impression matters a lot. After dressing, I checked myself in the mirror. Wow. I was looking so cute. My first impression on my first day at work must and should be superb. The joy was written all over me. I arrived work 7:12am. I was the first apart from the security officer who sleeps there. By 7:30, staffs began arriving. I was to pick my employment letter from the secretary's desk by 7:45am. I anticipated. By 7:45, I went to her desk to pick up the letter. Her attitude and reaction was something else. "What can I do for you please" she asked. That sounds so insulting considering the fact it was just yester...


DARKEST DAWN A story written by Oche Jeremiah. EPISODE III "Where are you going?” shouted a dark ugly man with dreadlocks on his head. He was dressed in rags. "I was sent by the good Master to give this parcel to Anthony who is a faithful servant to him" replied the man on ash of whom I felt was either an angel or a messenger. "Noooooooooo, you can't pass. It doesn't belong to him. It can ne-----verrrrr belong to him. He can't have it because he’s not in the position to get it" replied the ugly man. "But why??” He has been praying for it and the Master has specifically sent me to go and deliver it to him" replied the angel. "You dare argue with me?? I said he can't have it.” Anthony is only meant to have sorrows upon sorrows. No good thing must come his way. Now give me the parcel and get out of here" “Yes I will” said the messenger and handed over the parcel to him and turned to go. Disappo...


DARKEST DAWN A story written by Oche Jeremiah and published on EPISODE 2 ******* Anthony came to my house after I sent for him. I was really pregnant with words to lash at him. For crying out loud he is not a baby. He must fend for himself. When he came in, his looks were pitiable already. I knew he had been crying all that time. To be frank, Anthony was one of the honest guys I’ve ever come in contact with. He was faithful in tasks you gave to him. There was a time I gave him 70k to help me rush to the bank and send to one of my friends in Lagos and he did it without any problem. Many times I have assigned him to different tasks and he did them without me having any Issue at all. I truly feel for him. He's told me how he has tried to get something doing but it doesn't work out. He had tried a business before but his shop went in flames after doing a restock of goods to full capacity. Since that time he's just been managing....


DARKEST DAWN A story written by Oche Jeremiah. EPISODE 1 ********** ...That morning, Ajike woke the entire compound up with her very ferocious knocks on my door as well as her ranting noise. Her knocks and livid comments could pull down the whole building if it were a bulldozer. "Kpam kpam kpam" she knocked. I knew I was in serious trouble. I had promise to pay her for the beans and garri I bought on credit two days ago. I was actually expecting some money so I thought it'll come as I have promised but till now it has not come. The more I thought in my room, the louder her knocks and "open this door you shameless man" became. Neighbours were already getting so used to my buying on credit attitude that made the foodstuff sellers come to the compound to request for their money amidst shouts and outrageous outbursts. I summoned up courage to go get the door. As I opened the door, the slap that greeted me turned my face the other directio...


DARKEST DAWN A story written by Oche Jeremiah 08103402961 Introduction Hello Mr. Anthony, good morning. “Good morning to you too. Hope you slept well?” O Yes I did. Lest I forget, the president will like to have a chat with you by 2pm this afternoon. Hope you are not too busy and engaged today? “No, I can’t be busy for the number one citizen of the country. I am an ambassador here so I must respect the office of the president of the nation as well, just as I want my own president to be respected. Its okay by me. I’ll be at the presidential metropolis by 1:30pm”. O thank you Mr. Anth. He is looking forward to seeing you by 2. Do have a pleasant day ahead. That was from the office of the president. As an ambassador to Singapore, I’ve been brought into favour with the president. He truly loves my presence that we talk almost every time like we are related or something. Truly he has being like a father to me. When I look at where I started...