My Mistake

My Mistake
Episode 3.

When one strays from God, it can be so so dangerous. I mean that emptiness that He's no longer occupying your heart could be very detrimental as you'll lack two things. Peace and safety.

I was desperately in need of these two ingredients. Well, i hoped and pray it turns out well.

Going back to Him as a prodigal son wasn't the ideal thing in my heart. No one showed me love at home so finding it in school was something I won't trade for anything. I continued. Wrote my JSC examinations and the journey to the land of secondary school senior began. I came to SS1 at last. You mean I'm going to wear a long sleeved shirt at last??? That was too good to be true. In between my JSCE and Senior secondary admission was a delay period. I had some deficiencies which I had to clear before I was given an admission and posting so I had to retake that exam writing only maths which I eventually passed.

I was afraid because I was told. If you don't pass that subject, you will have to repeat js3. Who wants to repeat a class that you we're formerly a leader?? Who wants to repeat in a school you were it's labour prefect??? God forbid. I became a prayer warrior. I drew closer to God. I became a Christian. Ooo about her, come on we didn't even communicate all this while partially because I had no phone and she had none too. I took God seriously and I was back on track. After I passed the resit examinations, I was admitted to the senior secondary school. I was flying in the air because I was at last in my final lap of secondary education.

That feeling is something else. You're happy because status just changed and you're happy you are making progress. If you were in my shoes, won't you do the same??? I leave you to 6our conscience.


  1. I love those two ingredients Peace and Safety in paragraph 1and 2. I also felt like that in paragraph 3 when I entered SSS1 this year

  2. Beautiful and interesting story


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