DARKEST DAWN A story written by Oche Jeremiah 08103402961 Introduction Hello Mr. Anthony, good morning. “Good morning to you too. Hope you slept well?” O Yes I did. Lest I forget, the president will like to have a chat with you by 2pm this afternoon. Hope you are not too busy and engaged today? “No, I can’t be busy for the number one citizen of the country. I am an ambassador here so I must respect the office of the president of the nation as well, just as I want my own president to be respected. Its okay by me. I’ll be at the presidential metropolis by 1:30pm”. O thank you Mr. Anth. He is looking forward to seeing you by 2. Do have a pleasant day ahead. That was from the office of the president. As an ambassador to Singapore, I’ve been brought into favour with the president. He truly loves my presence that we talk almost every time like we are related or something. Truly he has being like a father to me. When I look at where I started...